1. There is nothing in the DISPLAN box. (I saw).
2. Oppenheimer et al., apparently, weren't entirely sure, the first time they let off a nuclear bomb, that it wouldn't destroy the whole world. They did it anyway.
3. If I had waited for the green man that time on Footscray Rd, like I always did, I would now be dead.
4. In less than a decade I will be fifty.
5. You can't get missed opportunities back. Often, too, the regrets are obvious. Why does it seem so humanly impossible to appreciate what we have now for what it really is instead of the annoyance we think it is.
6. During a lifetime you eat at least four spiders in your sleep. This is apparently an urban myth, but the people who dispel it as so do also say they you should be aware that there is a good chance that processed foods can inadvertently contain 'bug parts'. Mmmm, I think I would prefer the whole bug—my luck, I just get the bottom.
7. I weigh more than my significant other. Can anything be more of a deterrent to eating sweets? It would appear not.
8. An event like 9/11 makes everything different in an instant. Then it is too late to tell someone that you love them.
9. Coupledom. It is scary enough to work out what is happening in one brain without having to do the same for a second brain which you can't access. and which is weighed and counter-weighed with expectations and precedences which may or may not exist. Coupledom is, sorry to cliche it, a minefield. But it's a minefield that you really want to frolic through.
10. Even if I spend every single day in my hammock, on the couch, or in bed, reading; on a train, in a plane, at an airport, reading; in a library, in a locked room away from all the world, reading, I will never read all the books I want to read. I may not even read all the books on my to-read pile.
Wear 381: Yellow or Pink: Or Both?
5 years ago
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